Thursday, December 13, 2007

Idea for Fable

Two middle schoolers, the girls wants the boy to like her, so she decides to have sex with him, but in the end he wont even look at her, and what she thought was going to make her feel better about herself actually makes her feel so much worse. Sex is not meant to be used as a tool of self esteem because in this case it backfires and she is worse off.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Timed Writing

Timed Writing

My topic was on comprehensive sexual education, and the importance it plays in preventing diseases, and pregnancies in the youth today. Doing my research really opened my eyes to the eyes to lack of education people have on sex and information. Those who oppose comprehensive education, and support abstinence only education are not acting in the best interests of the youth, with the lack of information has been shown to have a huge negative effect, so why they continue to do it is still very sad to me.

There were several methods used to expose this new information as well as increase my own knowledge. By using the Internet in way of bogging, I was able to send out my information in an earth friendly way to anyone who had access to the Internet. The blog was a useful tool to instant success, because it was posted right away and I did need to wait on anything. The down side is, anyone can write anything, true or false, so it taught me an important message to research my sources, because information may not always be 100% true, all the time. However, with this said, the blog also opened my eyes to so many new ideas, and different kinds of ideas that may not be published in the world of published articles and journals.

The letter writing process was very new to me but it showed me how easy it was to express my opinions. Many times I think we tend to think someone else will say something or do something, and that “normal people” especially college students don’t have say. The writing process allowed me as a student, and a concerned young adult the ability to question and seek information on a topic that I value. Many times writing your thoughts and feelings out is a great stepping tool, to generate more ideas that could possibly lead to more action in the future. Whether I get responses back from any of the organization, by sending the letter in the first place I am sending the message that this topic is important. Everyone has to start somewhere, and I think that this was a good way to start thinking about ways of change.

The fable was a good way of rewriting the information that may be complex at times. The fable narrows down the important facts of an issue, and makes the basic ideas behind the issue understandable. This helps when you start out research, because you tend to get bogged down by all the information available for any topic. This can be a deterrent from getting to the source of the issue, because there are too many ideas. The simplicity of the fable can hopefully teach a lesson, which can be understood by 5th and 6th graders, and help them to gain the basic knowledge for their future. This knowledge will hopefully help to change the way things are run in the future, especially when it comes to sexual education

For someone trying to teach a controversial issue like sec education, fable can help to find a basic message, and make it simple enough that children can respond to it and take something away.

Overall I would say project three is an interesting method of exploring new facets on technology, as well as new ideas of way that we as people can voice our opinions and get our ideas out. There is something to be said to be able to write what you want to write without fear of restriction. This project increased our knowledge on one subject, opened our eyes to ways in which we could be proactive, and the fable allowed the us the ability to minimize the information and make it simple enough to teach younger populations

Sunday, December 2, 2007

peer edit

Dear the Civil Liberties Union,

I am currently a student Eckerd College and while researching the topic of illegal immigration I came across your organization. I have grown up in the heart of a town, Farmingville, where there have been great tensions between the U.S. citizens and the illegal immigrants. Living in a town with such problems and prejudices I was always aware that there were some tensions, but I did not pay much attention and started to become immune to the terrible situations that have arisen. I always knew that the racism in Farmingville was at extreme heights, but I never took the time to find out how severe it actually was. When given the opportunity to research a topic of my choice, I decided that to study the problems that have occurred due to Illegal Immigration; what better topic to chose than one I have grown up with the majority of my life, but had never actually explored. Upon my discoveries I became very upset, and thus I am writing you.
I wanted to let you know that I totally support your organization and the efforts it makes to achieve civil liberties. I do not think anyone should be harmed or viewed as an inferior just because of their race or because they are not legally documented citizens. They are still human beings, and most are not trying to harm anyone. Many illegal immigrants are trying to support their families back in their native countries, and should not have to be punished because of this. The government should take the brunt of the frustrations that the U.S. citizens feel, instead of the immigrants. From my experiences and research, I have noticed that although the public is aware of the conflicts, they are not properly informed. I think this is especially the case with students in school. They hear bits and pieces from their family members and friends and then make judgments without actually knowing the facts. Therefore, I think these problems should be integrated into the school system, so students can learn without bias. Also, I have found that many of the immigrants who are subjected to acts of hate and violence do not take legal action because they are afraid of being deported. After looking into your organization, I agree with your opinions, that the best way for the immigrants to receive civil rights is by educating the public, trying to pass laws to protect these rights, and for those who have lost their civil liberties to take legal action.
Thank you for your time and concern. I support your organization and believe you already have and will continue to make great accomplishments for the protection of civil rights. I encourage you to keep trying to educate the public and to continue fighting for the protection civil liberties, not just for illegal immigrants, but also for all of humanity. I look forward to hearing your response.

Christina Comba

Dear the Minute Men Organization,

I am currently a student at Eckerd College and while researching the topic of illegal immigration I came across your organization. With the recent influx of illegal immigrants, it is easy for me to understand why your members are concerned with the heightened number of illegal immigrants. I have grown up in a town where many illegal immigrants have been used as a source of cheap labor and where tensions have been high between illegal immigrants and the U.S. citizens. After studying your organizations website I noticed that instead of directing your frustrations and problems on the government you have been targeting the illegal immigrants. It is understandable to not want illegal immigrants entering the country and I do agree that the border must be secured to stop immigrants or even terrorists entering the country, but violence and tormenting the immigrants to prevent them from crossing the border is not the solution.
I am aware of many of the problems that have resulted from the large numbers of illegal immigrants, but I do not feel that violence and prejudice is the answer. In my town there have been numerous racist acts that have occurred because of hate, including the firebombing of a house of illegal immigrants and the beating of a pair of day laborers. Just because these immigrants are not legally documented does not give any one the right to injure or taunt them. They are still individuals are should receive equal treatment. All humans deserve to have civil liberties despite their race, or the fact that they are undocumented. I feel it is sad that people must resort to violence, instead of finding other means to work out their frustrations. If your organization spent as much time and effort trying to make the government take action, instead of attempting to secure the border yourself through force, you would find there is potential for real change. I know your members are frustrated with the government for not taking proper action, but if your organization solely used civil disobedience you may be able to gain the support of the masses and make a real impact.
Thank you for your time and concern. I encourage you to modify your actions of using force and seek nonviolence as the way to change. I hope you speak and take political action, instead of using violence. I look forward to hearing your response.

Christina Comba

Dear Tim Bishop,

I have graduated from Sachem East High School and now attend Eckerd College. When I was a student at Sachem East you visited my school and I received the pleasure of hearing you speak about your ideas and future plans as the New York State congressman. At the time I did not realize what a wonderful opportunity that was to learn and to have the availability to receive answers to any inquiries I had or make suggestions. I have grown up in the heart of a town, Farmingville, where there have been great tensions between the U.S. citizens and the illegal immigrants. Living in a town with such problems and prejudices I was always aware that there were some tensions, but I did not pay much attention and started to become immune to the terrible situations that have arisen. I always knew that the racism in Farmingville was at extreme heights, but I never took the time to find out how severe it actually was. When given the opportunity to research a topic of my choice, I decided that to study the problems that have occurred due to Illegal Immigration; what better topic to chose than one I have grown up with the majority of my life, but had never actually explored. Upon my discoveries I became very upset and thus I am writing you.
After assessing the situation in Farmingville, I found that many of the problems have arisen because of frustrations that the U.S. citizens have with the illegal immigrants. Many of the citizens turn to hate acts and violence as a way to fix their problems, but in reality only makes matters worse. I believe that these frustrations could be alleviated if solutions for the problems were found and of the blame for the U.S. citizen’s problems were redirected towards the government instead of the immigrants. In my experiences, I have noticed that although the public is aware of the conflicts, they are not properly informed. I think this is especially the case with students in school. They hear bits and pieces from their family members and friends and then make judgments without actually knowing the facts. Therefore, I think these problems should be integrated into the school system, so students can learn without bias. After looking at your website I found that you agree with increased border control, which I also feel is the first step in the proper direction. I think local government should create workstations where immigrants can be picked up for work. Also, I think the government should enforce housing laws and monitor hiring practices of landscaping and construction companies. I know there has been a bit of an increase in the enforcement of housing laws, but nothing on a remarkable scale.
Thank you for your time and concern. I encourage you to keep a close eye on the situation in Farmingville and other towns on Long Island with similar situations. I have proposed several options to help the situation including increased awareness and education in schools, the creation of workstations, and the enforcement of laws. I hope you consider these options when you are making future decisions. I look forward to hearing your response.

shes good...

Friday, November 30, 2007

letter to NAEA

Dear National Abstinence Education Association,

Hello, I am a junior at Eckerd College. I was recently assigned to write a research paper on a subject that interested us. Over the last several years, sexuality within the American society has been of much interest to me. I decided to focus on comprehensive sexual education compared to abstinence-only.
After much of my research I was shocked to find how naïve our country is as a whole. For some it is by choice. They want to continue to live in the dark ages, instead of coming to realization that the culture we live in now is changing. For those who follow the conservative views, it might just be easier to be told what to do, instead of really going one step further to understand the importance of sexual education.
As a college student, especially living in environment where sex is available, I know sex happens! However, , many times they do not fully understand that their actions will have consequences. Students taught abstinence-only are “one-third less likely then non-pledgers to use contraception when becoming sexually active and they have the same rate as STDs as non pledgers.”(Klein 17) This study leads me question, might it just be better to give youth the information so they can at least choose to make good decisions instead of taking the risks.
I believe that everyone should be allowed to make their own decisions; unfortunately too many times those who are par-taking in sexual activities do not fully understand the consequences. I believe knowledge is power. This leads me to assume that younger adolescents and preteens know even less, which is a very scary idea.
Would the NAEA every think to look into abstinence-plus sexual education program? I think in the end it would be much more beneficial to least give out the knowledge now, instead of down the line having the adolescents stuck with a disease or unwanted pregnancy, when all of it could have been prevented.
If there are any pamphlets or other information that could help me understand why the NAEA would not choose to go to an abstinence-plus program I would truly appreciate it. I would love the opportunity to open my horizons and help make a change.
Thank you so much for your time.


Letter to Advocates

Dear Advocates of Youth,

Hello, I am a junior at Eckerd College. I was recently assigned to write a research paper on a subject that interested us. Over the last several years, sexuality within the American society has been of much interest to me. I decided to focus on comprehensive sexual education compared to abstinence-only.
After much of my research I was shocked to find how naïve our country is as a whole. For some it is by choice. They want to continue to live in the dark ages, instead of coming to realization that the culture we live in now is changing. For those who follow the conservative views, it might just be easier to be told what to do, instead of really going one step further to understand the importance of sexual education.
As a college student, especially living in environment where sex is available, I know sex happens! I believe that everyone should be allowed to make their own decisions; unfortunately too many times those who are partaking in sexual activities do not fully understand the consequences. I believe knowledge is power. This leads me to assume that younger adolescents and preteens know even less, which is a very scary idea. Especially within my own school district we had an outbreak of gonorrhea at my middle school. That is why so many times it is shocking to find out how little young adults know.
I think Advocates does a great job of providing information, and it shows how important understanding can lead to the delay of sexual activity. I was shocked to look at all the information you offer on your site.
What I want to know is how I can make the importance of sexual education known? I wanted to know what your site is doing to get their message out? depends on, word of mouth? How can I as a young adult make knowledge available to help those who are younger than me? Is there anything can be done within my own school system? Also, do you think with the elections coming up soon there might be more opportunities for change, especially within the public school systems?
I truly support what the Advocates of Youth is doing. I think it is so important to show people; especially the new generations how important it is to take of ones self, spirit, body and mind.
If there are any pamphlets or other information that could help me I would truly appreciate it. I would love the opportunity to open my horizons and help make a change.
Thank you so much for your time.


Letter to SIECUS

Dear Sexuality Information and Education council of the United States,

Hello, I am a junior at Eckerd College. I was recently assigned to write a research paper on a subject that interested us. Over the last several years, sexuality within the American society has been of much interest to me. I decided to focus on comprehensive sexual education compared to abstinence-only.
After much of my research I was shocked to find how naïve our country is as a whole. For some it is by choice. They want to continue to live in the dark ages, instead of coming to realization that the culture we live in now is changing. For those who follow the conservative views, it might just be easier to be told what to do, instead of really going one step further to understand the importance of sexual education.
As a college student, especially living in environment where sex is available, I know sex happens! I believe that everyone should be allowed to make their own decisions; unfortunately too many times those who are partaking in sexual activities do not fully understand the consequences. I believe knowledge is power. This leads me to assume that younger adolescents and preteens know even less, which is a very scary idea. Especially within my own school district we had an outbreak of gonorrhea at my middle school. That is why so many times it is shocking to find out how little young adult know. Your guidelines for education from K-12 seem to have a wonderful way of teaching to appropriate ages. I do not think enough people understand that comprehensive sexual education is not going to teach the same thing to all ages.
What I want to know is how I can make the importance of sexual education known? How can I as a young adult make knowledge available to help those who are younger than me? Is there anything can be done within my own school system? Also, do you think with the elections coming up soon there might be more opportunities for change, especially within the public school systems?
I truly support what the SIECUS is doing. I think it is so important to show people; especially the new generations how important it is to take of ones self, spirit, body and mind.
If there are any pamphlets or other information that could help me I would truly appreciate it. I would love the opportunity to open my horizons and help make a change.
Thank you so much for your time.


Monday, November 19, 2007


Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States
130 West 42nd Street, Suite 350
New York, NY 10036-7802

Advocates for Youth
2000 M Street NW, Suite 750
Washinton, DC 20036
videos on sex. ed.

National Abstinence Education Association
1701 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Suite 300
Washington, DC 20006